Online Sermon Broadcast
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Previous Sermons:
Date: 06/09 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Mission: A resentful servant (II)
Scripture: Jonah 2
Speaker: Revd Titus Koon & Mrs Koon (English translation)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/100049270599224/videos/172419774410375/?extid=5kSPpfjS8QiPVK9j
Date: 30/08 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Mission: A resentful servant (I)
Scripture: Jonah 1
Speaker: Mr Josh Shek
Video: https://www.facebook.com/670570169/videos/10158443835485170/?extid=9KtHcGHq3e6KQR3J
Date: 23/08 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Mission: A distinctive people
Scripture: Deuteronomy 10: 12-20
Speaker: Mr Paul Newton
Video: https://www.facebook.com/700330109/videos/10158994230635110/?extid=uvCeWXmEHKa4Fhn7
Date: 16/08 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Mission: Chosen to bless
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-4
Speaker: Revd Edward Soo
Video: https://www.facebook.com/791615083/videos/10163938474625084/?extid=wR3mFkEIjigIucic
Date: 09/08 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Mission: The Word made flesh
Scripture: John 1:1-18
Speaker: Revd Edward Soo
Video: https://www.facebook.com/791615083/videos/10163907480800084/?extid=vGAKAbTe1TQkbaKu
Date: 02/08 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Mission: The incomparable God
Scripture: Isaiah 44:24 - 45:25
Speaker: Revd Titus Koon (Mrs Koon - English translation)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/groups/114548927339/permalink/10158764635057340/
Date: 26/07 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Mission: Life and dominion
Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31, 2:15-20
Speaker: Revd Megan Smith
Video: https://www.facebook.com/700330109/videos/10158920662825110/?extid=q2AjlL7jPrOkSWxT
Date: 19/07 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : The glory of the gospel - new covenant
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3
Speaker: John Goodwin
Video: https://youtu.be/IcSpKNWhDG0
Date: 12/07 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Focus on Sunday school: Hear and Obey
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6: 1-9
Speaker: Revd Titus Koon
Video: https://www.facebook.com/chitat.koon/videos/153657966286556/
Date: 05/07 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Focus on Sunday school: Hear and Obey
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6: 1-9
Speaker: Revd Titus Koon
Video: https://www.facebook.com/100049270599224/videos/153657966286556/?extid=zkxfGZJIdk1PcYJj
Date: 28/06 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer: Praying when God is silent
Scripture: Mark 15
Speaker: Mr Terry Koh (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/terrynmeg.koh/videos/3527285053967175/
Date: 21/06 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer: Praying in the battle
Scripture: Ephesians 6: 10-20
Speaker: Revd Edward Soo (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/edward.soo1/videos/10163655475655084
Date: 14/06 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer: Praying together for the world
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:3 – 2:8
Speaker: Mr Josh Shek (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/joshshek/videos/10158213049810170/
Date: 07/06 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer: Praying with Paul (III) - for other Christians
Scripture: Colossians 1
Speaker: Revd Trevor Hatton (interpretation by Fion Tang)
Date: 31/05 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man
for the faith of the gospel
Scripture:Philippians 1: 12-30
Speaker: Revd Edward Soo (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/edward.soo1/videos/10163543247170084/
Date: 24/05 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer – Praying with Paul (II) – for what is best
Scripture: Philippians 1: 1-11
Speaker: Revd Edward Soo (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/edward.soo1/videos/10163504922415084/
Date: 17/05 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer – Praying with Paul (I) – for unity
Scripture: Ephesians 3
Speaker: Mr Terry Koh (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/terrynmeg.koh/videos/3413009875394694/
Date: 10/05 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer – Praying with Jesus
Scripture: John 17
Speaker: Mr Anthony Lau (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/anthony.lau.7792/videos/10158071222166145/
Date: 03/05 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer – Whatever you ask (II)
Scripture: John 16: 23-24, 26-27
Speaker: Revd Titus Koon, with English translation by Mrs Koon
Part 1: https://www.facebook.com/chitat.koon/videos/130577438594609/
Part 2: https://www.facebook.com/chitat.koon/videos/130585148593838/
Date: 26/04 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer – Whatever you ask (I)
Scripture: John 14: 12-14; 15: 7-8, 16
Speaker: Mr Terry Koh
Video: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.my.lee/videos/10158198430678805/
Date: 19/04 (Sunday) Time: 10:30pm
Sermon Title : Prayer – Praying as Jesus taught us
Scripture: Matthew 6: 5-15
Speaker: Revd Garreth Frank (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/garrethfrank/videos/10163311829845043/
Date: 12/04 (Sunday) Time: 10:30am
Sermon Title : Easter Sunday message - Standing firm through doubt
Scripture: John: 20: 19-31
Speaker: Ms May Chan (Cantonese) translation Mr Anthony Lau (Eng)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/anthony.lau.7792/videos/10157956657796145/
Date: 10/04 (Sunday) Time: 19:30am
Sermon Title : Good Friday message – Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection
Scripture: John 19: 1-16
Speaker: Mr Dennis Yau
Video: https://www.facebook.com/dennis.yau.904/videos/10163451681280473/
Date: 05/04 (Sunday) Time: 19:30am
Sermon Title : Prayer - Praying with the psalmist(Cantonese)
Scripture: Psalms 2 and Acts 4:24-30
Speaker: Revd Titus Koon (Cantonese)
Date: 22/3 (Sunday) Time: 10:30am
Sermon Title : Prayer - Praying with Hannah (Cantonese)
Scripture: 1 Samuel 1-2
Speaker: Pastor Dennis Yau
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